We are innovation consultants.
Applying a systematic approach based on empirical patterns and the newest methodologies we enable organizations to realize significant savings and build their future.
Save & Improve
How to identify double digit savings in your process
Invent & Innovate
Create new products and patents in a matter of days
Invent & Innovate
Digital Business Models that create exponential value
Invent & Innovate
Innovation Management for SMEs
Save & Improve
The first step to solving complex problems with existing means
Invent & Innovate
How to build a “road to disruption” for your industry
The Bold Way
The Bold Way is a system for thinking and doing differently – a radical approach for challenging the status quo and creating what’s next.
By helping organizations to think & do differently, together we create radically new solutions – from start to finish.
We have partnered with clients from Airbus, BMW to Siemens – in over 35 countries and in almost all industries.
Invent and Innovate
Co-creating the future. We will enable your people to invent and innovate what’s next. This includes product and service innovation, as well as innovation strategy and management.
Improve and Save
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
Einstein may not have said this but it is true nonetheless. The Bold Way will let you think differently about your problems, cost structure and processes in order to come up with truly new solutions.
Bold Healthcare is combining Lean and Innovation to improve processes in hospitals.
Scope your challenge with our Scoping Canvas